Thursday, October 30, 2008



Penny Bacchiochi believes that all candidates must be accessible to the voters, but

Arlene Avery only agreed to one debate. Arlene refused to debate in the Stafford/Union area – but you now have a chance to see the debate:

The debate will be rebroadcast on

Cox Cable, Channel

Sunday, November 2nd at 4:00pm.

Find out more about Penny by visiting her blog at

Have questions for Penny? Call her at 860-614-3883

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bacchiochi’s stance

I ask the voters of Stafford, Somers, and Union to consider re-electing me for a fourth term as your state representative.

I have tried to return every constituent call as promptly as possible, while offering friendly, understandable, and professional responses to your concerns. Whether we are working together to fix a pothole, track down a ConnPACE application, or write a citation for your Eagle Scout, I’ve enjoyed every opportunity to serve you. While providing constituent service is only part of the job, I consider it vital and important.

The other half of the job — serving on legislative committees, crafting legislation, and voting on bills — requires “on the job training.” I am happy to report that I am fully trained and well prepared to be a strong voice for you in Hartford. My experience includes years of dedication to the Public Safety and Security Committee, the Planning and Development Committee, and extensive work with organizations such as Women in Government.

This session must address an immediate crisis in the economy, a failed Wall Street, and soaring energy prices. I am prepared to work with the governor to make necessary cuts to our out of control state budget. This will not be pain-free, but it is what we need to do. The alternative — increasing taxes to cover the deficit — is not acceptable. I am on your side — and I will prove it to you.

While I will not stop working on educational funding, veterans issues, public safety, senior services, affordable housing and farmland preservation, my priority will be jobs, taxes, and the economy.

The most meaningful compliment I ever received from a constituent was short but memorable. I was told, “I like you, Penny, because you listen more than you talk.” Thank you for your consideration on Election Day.

Penny Bacchiochi


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For Immediate Release
October 8, 2008


The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) today endorsed the re-election of
Penny Bacchiochi for the state House of Representatives, representing the 52nd District.
With the crisis in the financial markets further destabilizing the economy, and the state budget
deficit rising, we need legislators now more than ever who will work to strengthen Connecticut’s
economy and business climate.

“Penny understands how important a vibrant economy and jobs are to the voters of the 52nd
District,” said John R. Rathgeber, CBIA president and CEO. “We urge voters to return her to

Legislators elected to the 2009 General Assembly will face many critical issues, including job
growth, health care, taxes, transportation, energy and workforce issues — all of which affect the
health and vitality of Connecticut's economy and the quality of life for the people of the state.
“We believe Penny will work to make decisions that will improve our economy and make
Connecticut a better place to live and work,” said Rathgeber.

Bacchiochi, who lives in Somers, is seeking election in the 52nd District, which includes the
towns of Somers, Stafford and Union.

More about Bacchiochi can be found at CBIA’s election Web site, A
complete list of CBIA-endorsed candidates and information on key issues in the upcoming
elections are also available on the site.

CBIA is the state’s largest business organization, with 10,000 member companies.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Environmental issues remain at the forefront of legislative agenda.

A note from the Legislature from Rep. Penny Bacchiochi
Environmental issues remain at the forefront of legislative agenda.
While the primary focus of the most recent legislative sessions has been rightly on the economy, taxes and jobs, the environment continues to be an important issue for all of us. Even during hard economic times, we are obligated to be good stewards of the environment .

Over the years, when the state’s budget has been solid and the coffers full, I have supported many environmental initiatives. For example, this past session the General Assembly established a farmland preservation advisory board within the Dept. of Agriculture . This board is now overseeing a $20 million state investment in farmland preservation. In fact, I am looking forward to a ribbon cutting ceremony at Whitaker Farm on Oct. 5, which is being sponsored by the Northern Connecticut Land Trust.

Additionally, the legislature toughened up the ban on pesticides on school property and playgrounds. And along with my full support, the legislature passed a bill called “The Face of Connecticut ,” a broad-based effort to preserve the natural, historic and urban resources in our state. Some other critically important environmental bills passed this session include funding for fuel cells, the establishment of a task force to monitor land use policies, and the elimination of certain toxins and lead in children’s toys. Finally, a plan for a smart growth task force to monitor land use policies was established . As the ranking member of the Planning and Development Committee , I am excited to begin work on an in-depth plan that will guide the state’s future investment in land use.”

Also during the last session, the General Assembly passed a mammoth global warming bill that I could not support due to the overwhelming cost that it would have put on constituents at a time they can least afford it. While many environmental groups insisted this was necessary, I continued to hear from constituents that they did not want to pay higher energy prices. The overly aggressive global warming bill made Connecticut only the fi fth state to take such drastic measures. The bill set a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050. Unfortunately , the bill offered no mechanism for accomplishing this lofty goal, but instead only insisted upon it happening .

Because we must continue to address global warming, I joined with Gov. Rell when she started her successful “One Thing” campaign regarding small and cost-free changes that we can all make to leave this planet a better place. Some of the suggestions from the ‘One Thing’ campaign include:

Don’t let hot water keep running while you’re shaving or washing.

Don’t place lamps or TV’s in front of thermostat sensors. The sensors can feel the heat given off and make the A/ C run longer.

Every few loads, consider drying your clothes outside on a line. It saves big on energy and talk about ‘Spring fresh.

Get rid of any room air conditioner that is more than ten years old and you’ll save when you replace it with an ENERGY STAR qualifi ed model.

Go ahead and use your dishwasher. A full load actually uses less hot water than hand washing.

I have started a new newsletter and would love to add you to the e-mail distribution list. If you are interested, please e-mail me at penny.bacchiochi@ I will be sending out capitol news updates on a regular basis to keep my constituents informed of the goings-on at the Capitol.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

$300 million deficit confirmed; State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi calls for swift action now

HARTFORD – State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi (R-Somers) is calling for swift action to offset the growing $300 million state deficit that was confirmed by independent budget analysts during a fiscal forum convened by House and Senate Republicans.

Sinking revenues and the refusal of the majority to make budget adjustments this year has led to the most serious fiscal problems the state has faced in years, said Rep. Bacchiochi.

The budget problems will only worsen over time without legislative action, and the deficit could reach $1.2 billion in 2010, according to the non-partisan Office of Fiscal Analysis.

“The news was staggering in its severity. We cannot wait another day before we begin to address these problems. The citizens of Connecticut need to know what we are facing and be prepared for the challenges we are going to face in the next two years. I do not think tax increases are an option, we have to look at scaling back state government,” said Rep. Bacchiochi.

The data show that revenue from virtually every sector is way off, from real estate sales to income taxes and sales taxes.

Rep. Bacchiochi noted that the dire budget numbers do not even reflect any portion of the recent troubles of Wall Street financial institutions beginning Sept. 15, which will ripple further through Connecticut’s economy.

The forum revealed that revenues are seriously lagging:

· Investment income is off 41 percent;

· Real estate conveyance taxes are down more than 40 percent;

· Casino gambling revenue is down 4.3 percent;

· Automobile sales taxes are off 10.8 percent.

Rep. Bacchiochi said the data shows that Connecticut is over reliant on certain areas of the state when it comes to revenue. Fairfield County provides 45 percent of all the incomes taxes to Connecticut, he noted.

Since the budget was adopted in June of 2007, housing starts are off an astounding 122 percent.

Rep. Bacchiochi added that all parties in state government – all lawmakers, the administration and state employees – must come together quickly and begin the work that lies ahead.

“What we have heard so far is that we cannot wait months to consider our options. No budget adjustments were made this spring and we are already in trouble,” she said.

State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi (R-Somers) represents Somers, Stafford and Union in the General Assembly.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Prison Information Presented to Bacchiochi, Others

Prison Information Presented to Bacchiochi, Others
Bipartisan group reviewing information about assaults on staff, inmates

A panel assembled to consider concerns over workplace safety in prisons throughout the state pored over data Wednesday morning provided by the Department of Correction.

The bi-partisan Prison Safety Task Force was formed this summer after assaults on correction officers in prisons raised concerns about the safety of men and women employed in state facilities.

Rep. Penny Bacchiochi, a member of the legislature’s Public Safety Committee, is among the Republicans on the panel. Rep. Ray Kalinowski joined her at the Capitol session.

With an organizational meeting under its belt already, the panel began in earnest to review statistics considered vital to figuring out how to safeguard prison employees.

Bacchiochi and Kalinowski took notes regarding the number of times staffers reported assaults by inmates as well as details about prisoners harming each other.

The committee also learned about the reporting process.

The task force is expected to eventually draw up short and long term legislative solutions.

It was an inmate stabbing an officer in the neck with a homemade shank this summer that prompted legislators to take a deeper look at what’s happening behind prison walls.

“Today was the launching point in an effort to better protect people who risk their lives performing jobs that, for the most part, go unheralded by the general public,” Bacchiochi said.

The task force will meet again Oct. 21.

Bacchiochi represents the 52nd General Assembly District covering Somers, Union and Stafford.

Kalinowski, R-100, is a ranking member of the Public Safety Committee.