Tuesday, June 3, 2008

State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi re-elected state director for Women in Government

State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi (R-Somers) was re-elected to be the State Director for Women In Government at the group’s Eastern Regional Conference in Maine last week.

“It is so important to work in a bi-partisan approach with other women from across the country who are focused on women’s issues,” said Rep. Bacchiochi. “I am excited to continue to work on a number of critical issues, including healthcare issues such as cervical cancer prevention and heart disease in women.”

As indicated on its Web site (www.womeningovernment.org), Women In Government is a national, non-profit, bi-partisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources to address and resolve complex public policy issues.

State Rep. Penny Bacchiochi (R-Somers) represents Somers, Stafford and Union in the General Assembly.